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PhocaDownload display limited with JoomFish

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 12:06
by discotom

I am using Joomla 1.5.23 and php 5.2.17 and db 5.0.67 on a linux server.

I have 28 phocadownload files. I have different languages on my site with the default being English. The originals of these 20 phocadownload files (text and file links) are therefore in English.

I use JoomFish for language control.

When viewing my site in English, I see all 28 files.

However when viewing my site in any other language it displays only 20... I don't understand why and cannot find where that parameter is set.

English - (up to AGS 1700 - 28 files)
Other language - ... eitshilfen (only up to AGS 1000 - only 20 files).

Can anyone help please?



Re: PhocaDownload display limited with JoomFish

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 22:45
by Jan
Hi, see: ... -in-joomla (at the bottom) - check the settings of menu link to download (in joomfish)
