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flowplayer auto play and loop - can we?

Posted: 07 Apr 2012, 05:40
by whompem
I have a movie on my site coming from phocadownload - In an article I can display the first frame and a play button and if you hover the mouse - I get play controls. If I click play - it plays.

Sadly clicking the play button or discovering the controls seems to be something my visitors dont seem to do.

I would like the movie to just play and loop automatically.
Can this be done?
How is it done?


Re: flowplayer auto play and loop - can we?

Posted: 11 Apr 2012, 00:11
by Jan
Hi, the file is playing automatically if the link links to popup - in popup it starts automatically. So if you are not using link to popup, this needs to be customized in the code.


Re: flowplayer auto play and loop - can we?

Posted: 02 May 2012, 08:35
by whompem
Can you point me to the code please?

I know I need to change

Code: Select all

 clip: { 
		url: '/Downloads/frontpagevideo.mp4',
		autoPlay: false,
		autoBuffering: true
All I need is autoPlay: true
