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uploadfolder for userupload

Posted: 13 Apr 2012, 14:42
by kremerbcc
hi, i'm using the phoca download comp and it's working fine. the only thing i would like to be changed is the upload folder structure. i'd like to have only ONE folder for uploaded files. not a folder for every permitted user because the way we use it is to download a file, edit this file on the lokal machine and upload the edited file. there are only 8 users that can do this from the frontend. but if we do so, there are allway 8 different files uploaded. one in each users folder in the phocadownload/userupload folder structure. am i doing somthing wrong or is there a way to change this.
Thanks for your great work and hope for an answer. andreas

Re: uploadfolder for userupload

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 22:23
by Jan
Hi, see: ... ng-folders

Other than described behaviour you posted, needs to be customized in the code :-(


Re: uploadfolder for userupload

Posted: 19 Apr 2012, 10:22
by kremerbcc
hi jan, thank you for the answer anyway. so i gues i have to dive into the code to get this fixed cause it's really annoying having a look at the folders and change them quite every day.
Non the less, thank you for your fantastic work and keep it rockin', greets and many thx from germany, andreas