how to display file image with download plugin
Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 09:25
HI Jan and thank you so much for your very usefull extensions.
I'm using Phocagallery and Phocadownload since about one year now and I'm very satisfied. I'll make a donation soon.
Maybe you can help me about the following subject:
I'm using Phocadownload to allow user's of my website to downlod information files. When I use Phoca Download ยป List of Files (Category View) (from a menu), I can display a list of file, and file details appear according to my configuration.
When I display a file within an article using the download plugin, for example {phocadownload view=file|id=25|target=s}
the download works perfectly, but I'm not able to show the file's details (size, image and so on).
I looked at the documentation but I see no parameters for displaying such informtions.
Did I miss something, or is there a simple way to do that?
I "only" can use the following parameters:
view: (since Phoca Download 2) categories|category|filelist|file|fileplay|fileplaylink|filepreviewlink|youtube
text: text (title) which will be displayed in the content article as a link
id: id of section|category|file
target: target of the link (b ... _blank, t ... _top, s ... _self, p ... _parent)
playerwidth: width of the player - for playing e.g. flv files
playerheight: height of the player
playerheightmp3: height of the player in case MP3 file will be played
previewwidth: widht of the popup window for previewing the file (PDF)
previewheight: height of the popup window for previewing the file
youtubewidth: width of the youtube player
youtubeheight: height of the youtube player
url: link to Youtube video ( example: phocadownload view=youtube|url= )
limit: (since Phoca Download 2) uses in filelist view - the list of files can be limited
I'm using Phocagallery and Phocadownload since about one year now and I'm very satisfied. I'll make a donation soon.
Maybe you can help me about the following subject:
I'm using Phocadownload to allow user's of my website to downlod information files. When I use Phoca Download ยป List of Files (Category View) (from a menu), I can display a list of file, and file details appear according to my configuration.
When I display a file within an article using the download plugin, for example {phocadownload view=file|id=25|target=s}
the download works perfectly, but I'm not able to show the file's details (size, image and so on).
I looked at the documentation but I see no parameters for displaying such informtions.
Did I miss something, or is there a simple way to do that?
I "only" can use the following parameters:
view: (since Phoca Download 2) categories|category|filelist|file|fileplay|fileplaylink|filepreviewlink|youtube
text: text (title) which will be displayed in the content article as a link
id: id of section|category|file
target: target of the link (b ... _blank, t ... _top, s ... _self, p ... _parent)
playerwidth: width of the player - for playing e.g. flv files
playerheight: height of the player
playerheightmp3: height of the player in case MP3 file will be played
previewwidth: widht of the popup window for previewing the file (PDF)
previewheight: height of the popup window for previewing the file
youtubewidth: width of the youtube player
youtubeheight: height of the youtube player
url: link to Youtube video ( example: phocadownload view=youtube|url= )
limit: (since Phoca Download 2) uses in filelist view - the list of files can be limited