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Parent category

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 01:59
by Craggie
I have 2.1.6 but can find no way to create a parent category. What am I missing?

Re: Parent category

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 10:25
by Benno



Kind regards,

Re: Parent category

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 23:49
by Craggie
Thank you. That looks obvious enough but it doesn't work for me. When I try your first phase: fill in the Title box then try to save it I get: "Save failed with the following error: CATEGORY MUST HAVE A TITLE" which seems to be a circular argument from which there is no escape!

Re: Parent category

Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 01:11
by Craggie
Further to my last post, the installation did not install a Phoca table in the db. I did not get any warning about this. Will look further to see if I can solve.

Re: Parent category

Posted: 26 Apr 2012, 19:48
by Jan

Re: Parent category

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 21:50
by Craggie
I'm still at sea with this problem. I really don't know if PhocaDownload installed the required tables or not. How many tables should there be and what are their names? Looking at "installation problem solving" suggests I look at instal.bak but there is no such file. There is an install.sql file but it is empty.
The base 'site' is nothing more than a virgin 2.5.4 Joomla installation with the sample data included. It is running on a Mac.

Re: Parent category

Posted: 06 May 2012, 23:14
by Jan
Hi, installation file (ZIP) of Phoca Download includes this file: install.bak or install.bak.sql in newest version.


Re: Parent category

Posted: 13 May 2012, 16:58
by eibert
For me the same, when I try to make a category, i have to fill in the parent category, but i don't have any. where to make this item?

Re: Parent category

Posted: 17 May 2012, 23:44
by Jan
Hi, parent category is not required, so you don't need to fill it.
