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Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 21:20
by chrisjclay

I'm building a Joomla-powered site for a local photographer with Joomla 2.5. He currently uses something called Zenfolio that allows his clients to look over the images from their photo shoot and order the ones they're interested in.

It sounds like Phoca Gallery integrates nicely with VirtueMart, but it's my understanding that a separate product would need to be set up in VirtueMart for each image. There may be 200 - 300 photos from each shoot, so it would take ages to manually create a product for each image. Does anyone know if there's a solution for my client? Perhaps a way of doing a bulk import of photos?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 21:52
by chrisjclay
I just came across the Simple Caddy integration information: ... ntegration

... and I think it will work well :) I'm going to give it a try now.


Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 30 Apr 2012, 22:49
by chrisjclay
Hmm, no luck with Simple Caddy. While it works well enough, you still need to create a product for each photo and then add the appropriate product code into the Phoca Gallery photo's image description. If a wedding photographer has 300+ images from a wedding, this isn't practical. Anyone come across a solution that would work with a large number of images?

Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 06 May 2012, 23:11
by Jan
Hi, there were some plugins to easily import the images/products on JED (try to search it)

And in newest version, I think, developer of SC makes some import function too.


Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 07 May 2012, 20:12
by chrisjclay
Thanks Jan - I'll check out the import function and also try searching the JED.


Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 07 May 2012, 20:27
by chrisjclay
Hey, you're right - Simple Caddy has a feature to add the plugin code to all Phoca Gallery images; see attached screen capture.


Thanks for the tip - I had given up on making this all work ;)


Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 09 May 2012, 18:21
by Jan
Great to hear it.


Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 13 May 2017, 23:39
by Fer07
Hello, Chris I have the same need that you had.
I cant see the image that you uploaded
I need to link PhocaGallery and VM pictures and products because i need to do large galleries.

How exactly you do this ? I don't know how Simple Caddy works :/

Thanks after all! Sorry for my english

Re: Phoca Gallery & VirtueMart for large # of photos?

Posted: 17 May 2017, 15:25
by Jan