Landed here for the same problem after almost 3 years...
It seems that even phoca 2.8 does'nt support hot/new icon localization, so i tried to di myself.
In renderfront.php I've done this modification:
function getOverImageIcons($date, $hits) {
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$params = $app->getParams();
$css = $params->get( 'theme', 'phocadownload-grey' );
$new = $params->get( 'display_new', 0 );
$hot = $params->get( 'display_hot', 0 );
/* Hot/New icons localization directory
* Checks if the localized directory in /assets/images exists, then create the localized path.
* If localized path don't exists, use the standard path.
* Localized directory must be named the same of the language Tag
$langUsed =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$langTag = $langUsed->get( 'tag','');
$hnDir = 'components/com_phocagallery/assets/images/';
if (is_dir($hnDir.$langTag.'/')) {
$hnDir .= $langTag.'/';
$output = '';
if ($new == 0) {
$output .= '';
} else {
$dateAdded = strtotime($date, time());
$dateToday = time();
$dateExists = $dateToday - $dateAdded;
$dateNew = (int)$new * 24 * 60 * 60;
if ($dateExists < $dateNew) {
$output .= JHTML::_('image',
$hnDir.'icon-new.png', '', array('class' => 'pg-img-ovr1'));
if ($hot == 0) {
$output .='';
} else {
if ((int)$hot <= $hits) {
if ($output == '') {
$output .= JHTML::_('image',
$hnDir.'icon-hot.png', '', array('class' => 'pg-img-ovr1'));
} else {
$output .= JHTML::_('image',
$hnDir.'icon-hot.png', '', array('class' => 'pg-img-ovr2'));
return $output;
I know, is a "dirty" solution, but it seems to work ok.
For making it work, you only have to add localized directory under /assets/images:
Sorry for my bad php coding, I'm not a programmer