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User upload not possible because categories do not load

Posted: 09 May 2012, 21:15
by baggeler
I sucessfully installed Phoca Download and added several categories to it to which I uploaded some files. Everything displays perfectly and works fine on the site.

However when I add the user upload component, I see 2 problems:

1) Functionality: It does not load the content of my categories and as this is required, it will not allow any upload at all.. :( .
2) Cosmetic: Not sure why this happens but it doe not use the usual template background (only at user upload, rest of pd does) which makes it ugly to integrate.

Of course first problem is the worst. Any help, idea?

The exact site/link where this appears ... documentos
I am running Joomla 2.5.4 with PHP 5.2.x
PHP errors are set ON on the server. On request I can additionally enable Joomla error output

Re: User upload not possible because categories do not load

Posted: 14 May 2012, 11:29
by Jan

1) sorry I don't understand :idea:
2) see: ... load-theme


Re: User upload not possible because categories do not load

Posted: 14 May 2012, 12:38
by baggeler
Hello Jan,

As I said, my main worry is that it does not work at all. Did you have a look at the link I gave? Its just not loading the categories and because of this user canĀ“t upload any files at all...

I do know that design can be customized I mentionned the strange design not fitting into the template as I had the strange impression this is not "by design" and could be somehow related to the error.

Please help on finding out how to make it work, thanks.


Re: User upload not possible because categories do not load

Posted: 16 May 2012, 15:17
by Jan
Hi, category is not loaded in case, there are no rights to upload for users. So if user is logged in, only categories where he/she has rights to do, are displayed.

Re: User upload not possible because categories do not load

Posted: 17 May 2012, 02:59
by baggeler
Well I am logged as administrator and still cannot see any of the categories and not upload... :-(
How can I go on to debug this?

Re: User upload not possible because categories do not load

Posted: 18 May 2012, 00:21
by Jan
And did you set rights for you in administration - for the category - in frontend, administrator is taken as standard user.
