I would like to ask if he was a small change in the settings. When you press "detail" page has been displayed to detail that is now displayed when you press the button "download" option is checked if the main setting "Show look at the file" (FILE_VIEW_LABEL).
The "download" it just started downloading.
I find this practice as a more logical. If you do not know if this is the correct file I need, look at the detail and then downloading. If you want to download directly, do not have to click twice to download and view details.
thank you very much
Chtěl bych poprosit jestli by šlo udělat malou změnu v nastavení. Aby při stisknutí tlačítka "detail" byla zobrazená stránka s detailem, která se nyní zobrazuje po stisknutí tlačítka "stahuj" pokud je zatržená volba v hlavním nastavení "Zobrazit pohled na soubor".
Tlačítko "stahuj" by hned zahájilo stahování.
Připadá mi tento postup jako logičtější. Pokud ještě nevím jestli je to správný soubor co potřebuji, podívám se na detail a následně stahuji. Pokud chci rovnou stáhnout, nemusím klikat dvakrát na stahuj a zobrazovat detail.
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Downloading sequence and Detailed Display
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- Jan
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Re: Downloading sequence and Detailed Display
Hi, it is possible, you can set it in parameters. If you click "detail" then popup window will display detail information about the file. And download button can directly download the file.
See overlib settings.
See overlib settings.
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Re: Downloading sequence and Detailed Display
Hi Jon, yes there is this possibility, but only in overlib effect, or modal box. But I would like to see the page in the same window. Same as when you set the detail view before downloading.(FILE_VIEW_LABEL)
thank you very much
thank you very much
- Jan
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Re: Downloading sequence and Detailed Display
Hi, then checkt the layout settings to set what all should be displayed in category view.
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