Download and preview from Google docs directly
Posted: 21 May 2012, 17:25
the google docs is a very popular cloud system to managed files (big free disk space, easy use, etc). I modified a little the code in phoca download, and now I can download and preview the files from google docs.
this code find in the /components/com_phocadownload/views/category/tmpl/default_files.php
The code begin in the 24 row (between then //General and //pdtextonly):
and the preview section begin in the //pdfbuttonpreview to //pdfbuttondownload:
I'm not a programmer, possible this code not optimal, but my server is functionally. I hope, I can help for you.
upload a document (e.g. a pdf file to your google docs account)
change this file permission to public (e.g. only link)
click the share... button or menu
copy the share link (e.g. to external file link and preview file name fields in the phoca download file section.
this code tested only my system, please make a backup your original default_files.php !!!
Best regards, crishead
the google docs is a very popular cloud system to managed files (big free disk space, easy use, etc). I modified a little the code in phoca download, and now I can download and preview the files from google docs.
this code find in the /components/com_phocadownload/views/category/tmpl/default_files.php
The code begin in the 24 row (between then //General and //pdtextonly):
Code: Select all
// General
$linkDownloadB = '';
$linkDownloadE = '';
if ((int)$v->confirm_license > 0 || $this->tmpl['display_file_view'] == 1) {
$linkDownloadB = '<a href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadHelperRoute::getFileRoute($v->id, $v->catid,$v->alias, $v->categoryalias, $v->sectionid). $this->tmpl['limitstarturl']).'" >'; // we need pagination to go back
$linkDownloadE ='</a>';
} else {
if ($v->link_external != '' && $v->directlink == 1) {
$linkDownloadB = '<a href="'.$v->link_external.'" target="'.$this->tmpl['download_external_link'].'" >';
$linkDownloadE ='</a>';
//Google docs link
$linkURL = parse_url($v->link_external);
if ($linkURL['host'] == '') {
$extqueryParts = explode('&', $linkURL['query']);
$extparams = array();
foreach ($extqueryParts as $extparam) {
$extitem = explode('=', $extparam);
$extparams[$extitem[0]] = $extitem[1];
if ($extparams['id'] != '') {
$linkDownloadB = '<a href="'.$extparams['id'].'">';
$linkDownloadE ='</a>';
} else {
$linkDownloadB = '<a href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadHelperRoute::getFileRoute($v->id,$this->category[0]->id,$v->alias, $this->category[0]->alias, $v->sectionid, 'download').$this->tmpl['limitstarturl']).'" >';
$linkDownloadE ='</a>';
and the preview section begin in the //pdfbuttonpreview to //pdfbuttondownload:
Code: Select all
$pdButtonPreview = '';
if (isset($v->filename_preview) && $v->filename_preview != '') {
$fileExt = PhocaDownloadHelper::getExtension($v->filename_preview);
if ($fileExt == 'pdf' || $fileExt == 'jpeg' || $fileExt == 'jpg' || $fileExt == 'png' || $fileExt == 'gif') {
$filePath = PhocaDownloadHelper::getPathSet('filepreview');
$filePath = str_replace ( '../', JURI::base(true).'/', $filePath['orig_rel_ds']);
$previewLink = $filePath . $v->filename_preview;
$pdButtonPreview .= '<div class="pd-button-preview">';
if ($this->tmpl['preview_popup_window'] == 1) {
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a href="'.$previewLink.'" onclick="'. $this->buttonpr->options.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
} else {
if ($fileExt == 'pdf') {
// Iframe - modal
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a class="pd-modal-button" href="'.$previewLink.'" rel="'. $this->buttonpr->options.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
} else {
// Image - modal
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a class="pd-modal-button" href="'.$previewLink.'" rel="'. $this->buttonpr->optionsimg.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
$pdButtonPreview .= '</div>';
else {
if (stristr($v->filename_preview,'')) {
$linkURL = parse_url($v->filename_preview);
$extqueryParts = explode('&', $linkURL['query']);
$extparams = array();
foreach ($extqueryParts as $extparam) {
$extitem = explode('=', $extparam);
$extparams[$extitem[0]] = $extitem[1];
if ($extparams['id'] != '') {
$previewLink = "".$extparams['id']."&pid=explorer&a=v&chrome=false&embedded=true";
$pdButtonPreview .= '<div class="pd-button-preview">';
// Iframe - modal
$pdButtonPreview .= '<a class="pd-modal-button" href="'.$previewLink.'" rel="'. $this->buttonpr->options.'" >'. JText::_('COM_PHOCADOWNLOAD_PREVIEW').'</a>';
$pdButtonPreview .= '</div>';
upload a document (e.g. a pdf file to your google docs account)
change this file permission to public (e.g. only link)
click the share... button or menu
copy the share link (e.g. to external file link and preview file name fields in the phoca download file section.
this code tested only my system, please make a backup your original default_files.php !!!
Best regards, crishead