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Allowing download for registered users only doesnt work

Posted: 26 May 2012, 14:20
by Katzengreis30
I work with Phoca Download on Joomla 2.5. and I only use it for including Download-Files in content by Plugin-button.
So when I create a Download-Link which should download and dislplay only by registered users, the links are always displayed when I am NOT logged in.

I set the configuration in Joomla AND Phoca Download like your description. I set the category, the files in both on "registered" and "Display Unaccessible File" to "NO" overall. But it didnt works!

By clicking the download file it routs my to the login-side, ok... but I dont can get to make the download file hide.

Please help me. I searched some days ago for a solution but didnt get it.

Greetings, Michael :idea:

sorry, for my bad english...

Re: Allowing download for registered users only doesnt work

Posted: 27 May 2012, 09:38
by Katzengreis30
I read on the "german"-Phoca-Side that the plugin doesnt care if the included download-files in content are for all users or only for registered users.

Is that true?

Is there any possibility to modify the plugin that the downloadlinks only for registered users are only displayed for registered users when they are logged in?

Any Ideas? Please! :?

Re: Allowing download for registered users only doesnt work

Posted: 30 May 2012, 15:12
by Jan
Hi, the plugin only call the component to download the file - so the component allways check for the downloading - for the rights - so if you want that plugin link can download unaccessible files, you need to customize it - e.g. you will add two files into components - one for registered and second for not registered - the one for not registered will be e.g. not published so it can be downloaded per plugin link (e.g. you need to customize the plugin to get link from unpublished files)

The logic is, you have some protected file and such file cannot be download and it does not matter which link you are using - e.g. plugin link, component link, some of the search engine link, etc. The file must be protected allways. In other case it does not make any sense to protect it - in case you can access it from other part of the site.
