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All Files are being downloaded

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 22:18
by BackyardWorkshop
Hey everybody!

can anyone explain how someone could and also how I can prevent someone from downloading all my files in one shot?

I have it set to email me when someone downloads a file, and every once in a while I get 40+ emails all at once saying that various files were downloaded - these are like seconds apart so I know someone is not clicking the files manually

how are people doing that and how can I prevent it? I want to give my files away for nearly little effort but I don't want to be leeched off of either :)

my files are at if anyone wants to take a look?

Re: All Files are being downloaded

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 09:21
by beertje_007
Hi Jamie,

I have the same problem.
I use direct downloads in articles only, so no categorie view of files.
Has someone contacted you with the answer yet?



Re: All Files are being downloaded

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 14:33
by BackyardWorkshop
Nope not yet and it just happened again

it has to be some kind of download BOT or something that's scanning the site downloading all the files? But how can I protect against such a thing?

maybe there can be a limit to the number of downloads by one IP address in an hour or something?

Re: All Files are being downloaded

Posted: 17 Jun 2012, 16:42
by Jan
Hi, Phoca Download does not have any feature to allow downloading all files at once. If some bot visits your site and goes to every link (inlcude download links) then maybe you should do some "whole site" protection, e.g. ban this bot from displaying your site, etc. :idea:
