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Correction CSS style Google AdSense Easy Module J25

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 01:27
by dapinna
sorry for the bad English (I'm using google translate) :-)

I have successfully installed Phoca - Google AdSense Easy Module for Joomla 2.5

I noticed that I could not center the module despite correct use of CSS.
Upon closer inspection the code I realized that the problem was in form and in particular in the file:

On line 20
if ($ module_css_style) {echo '<div style="'.$module_css_style.'">';}
should be amended as follows:
if ($ module_css_style) {echo '<div class="'.$module_css_style.'">';}

P. S.
I created the Italian language file for the version compatible with Joomla 2.5, how do I send it?

Re: Correction CSS style Google AdSense Easy Module J25

Posted: 26 Jun 2012, 22:44
by Jan
Hi, you can send me it to my email, see my profile.

Thank you, Jan