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File not uploaded- HELP PLEASE

Posted: 19 Jun 2012, 19:21
by arudg8
im using phoca download 1.3.9 n joomla 1.5,,when i try to upload this message papers...

File not uploaded
Maximum size of all your files reached. File cannot be uploaded.

I have set maximum upload number of files as 200.

Can someone please help??

Re: File not uploaded- HELP PLEASE

Posted: 23 Jun 2012, 11:09
by reko
hi, there is a setting for the max. size of all your uploaded filses together, it seems you have reached this limit (regardsless of the number of files beeing below you 200 file limit). Increase this value and xou should be good to go.
There a several settings regarding file size (front, back, per file, per user, total,..) check the documentation for details.