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How to Wrap Title and File Name
Posted: 13 Jul 2012, 18:11
by gandorph
I'm not finding anything on this, so forgive me if this is discussed somewhere I'm overlooking. I'm using a template with a center column of 520px, but some of the titles and file names are long enough to be overflowing into the right column, which doesn't look very professional. For ease of searching and organizing I really don't want to shorten the names. Is there a way I'm overlooking to have them wrap to a second line instead of overflowing into the next column?
Thank you! Wonderful component.
Re: How to Wrap Title and File Name
Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 23:06
by Jan
Hi, I think you need to cutomize the CSS so the text will fit the box and will jump to next row, etc. - depends on where you mean this is displayed.
Re: How to Wrap Title and File Name
Posted: 17 Jul 2012, 17:32
by gandorph
Thank you. I thought perhaps I was overlooking a pre-set option somewhere. I added the following to the end of 'phocadownlad.css' and it works perfectly. I could have probably done it a bit more cleanly by editing the original entries earlier in the sheet, but this preserves your original code in case of an update, or if I change templates and revert back to your original style. Thank you so much for an awesome addition to Joomla!
/* added by RG 2012/07/17 to wrap filenames within center column */
.pd-filename, .pd-title, .pd-float, .pd-document48 {
width: 400px;
word-break: break-all;
word-wrap: break-word;
line-height: 20px;