admin-only notes on orders

Before you ask about IDnR Addon see the VirtueMart - Invoice, Delivery Note and Receipt Addon
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admin-only notes on orders

Post by froggymorning »

Jan, first let me say thank you for all the work you do. I have been using many of your extensions.

I am confused by the Virtuemart invoice addon. What I need is a way to make administrator-eyes-only notes on an order. This is because our people working on the orders are not in the same location as customer service. So people working on orders will enter notes about the order, so customer service can see. So there are some notes we do NOT want the customer to see when they check their status.

So I was wondering if your Invoice addon can do that. The old invoice addon had a 'modify order' tab. ... te-receipt

I think that would work, a modify order tab, for what we need. Can the old version addon do this? Can the new version make administrator-only notes?
I am willing to pay for a Virtuemart addon (1.1.5 and Joomla 1.5.x ) that would give us a tab to add notes to an order than only administrators can see.
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Re: admin-only notes on orders

Post by Jan »

HI, I get 404 there.
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