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Automatically create Category

Posted: 22 Jul 2012, 23:54
by azjoe
Is there a plugin which creates a default gallery main category for each new user registration ? I much prefer (and recently switched to) Phoca Gallery, but I really miss the "joomautocat" plugin which I used when I had Joomgallery. Manually creating a main category of "username Pictures" for each new registrant is a big pain (I allow users to create sub-categories only).

Re: Automatically create Category

Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 19:40
by dzaviech

I'm interested by this functionnality too. Because if all the users name their main category for example "My pictures" it's not practical.


Re: Automatically create Category

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 11:35
by dzaviech
Hi again,

I wrote some code to automatically create category with the username of the user.
This create the category if the user go on the page "Add pictures" and if he hasn't yet main category.

I think this have to be improved, because I'm using SQL request in the view.html.php file.

Edit the file: YourSite/components/com_phocagallery/views/user/view.html.php

And add this code:

Code: Select all

if($ownerMainCategory == null){
	$db =& JFactory::getDBO();

	// User parameters
	$query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `#__phocagallery_user`';
	$ordering = $db->loadResult();
	$newUser = null;
	$newUser->userid = $user->id;
	$newUser->published = 1;
	$newUser->approved = 1;
	$newUser->ordering = $ordering;
	//Create User in DB
	$fields = array(
	$values = array(

	$query = 'INSERT INTO `#__phocagallery_user` ('.implode(',',$fields).') VALUES ('.implode(',',$values).')';
	// Category parameters
	$query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM `#__phocagallery_categories`';
	$ordering = $db->loadResult();
	$new = null;
	$new->owner_id = $user->id;
	$new->title = $user->username;
	$new->alias = str_replace(" ", "-", strToLower($user->username));
	$new->image_position = 'left';
	$new->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
	$new->published = 1;
	$new->approved = 1;
	$new->ordering = $ordering + 1;
	$new->access = 1;
	$new->userfolder = $new->alias;
	$new->language = '*';
	$new->accessuserid = '-1';
	$new->uploaduserid = $user->id;
	$new->deleteuserid = $user->id;
	//Create Category in DB
	$fields = array(
	$values = array(

	$query = 'INSERT INTO `#__phocagallery_categories` ('.implode(',',$fields).') VALUES ('.implode(',',$values).')';
	$result = $db->query();
	//create the folder in the good place
	mkdir('images/phocagallery/'.$new->userfolder, 0755, true);
	//Reload owner main category
	$ownerMainCategory = $model->getOwnerMainCategory($user->id);
Just after the lines: (~l-134)

Code: Select all

$model = $this->getModel('user');
$ownerMainCategory	= $model->getOwnerMainCategory($user->id);

Don't forget to replace '#_' by your database prefix.

Then you can add this property in your css file to hide the "Main category" menu:
#phocagallery-pane .category { display: none;}


Re: Automatically create Category

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 23:23
by Jan
Hi, thank you for this guide.


Re: Automatically create Category

Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 02:02
by piersol
I did as is outlined above, but im seeing no change. Is there a common mistake made or any way to troubleshoot this?

I allow only one main category for each member and want it to be username or name with them only adding subcategories to their own main. But it seemed a hassle to ask each one to make a self titled category and allow for possible confusions.