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Only register user can downlaod file but they can browse??

Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 03:28
by anamo
hi guys :wink:

How to allow all users to view and browse all categories and everything else in phoca download

but only when user need to download something if its not register or logged in it will not allow him/her to download

until him/her login into a user account ??? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Only register user can downlaod file but they can browse

Posted: 26 Jul 2012, 23:54
by Jan
Hi, see similar posts, just set that the file can be downloaded by registered but can be viewed by all (see the edit of the file).


Re: Only register user can downlaod file but they can browse

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 12:07
by anamo
Jan wrote:Hi, see similar posts, just set that the file can be downloaded by registered but can be viewed by all (see the edit of the file).

Man in case of external link in control panel I choose Files >> edit file >> then I set access option to registered and Display Inaccessible file to yes

and when I click on the download button I am allowed to download the file :roll:

waiting your reply as fast as you can :evil:

Re: Only register user can downlaod file but they can browse

Posted: 11 Aug 2012, 17:11
by Jan
Hi, external files cannot be managed by your server, see the documentation. If the file is external, it cannot be protected by your server but the external server. Your server cannot manage access rights on other server - the external server needs to have own access rights solution.

So this is not technically possible.
