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Floom SlideShow bug or settings

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 19:04
by eltontlms
Hello, I use Phoca Gallery Slideshow Floom, but my image is repeated in the length and height to fill my whole module.
I have changed the thumbnail size, but it did not work it keeps repeating all over in its area.

Is it possible to display a single image centered?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Floom SlideShow bug or settings

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 19:35
by Benno
Is it possible to display a single image centered?
yes, if the image size fits to the module size.
e.g. module size=970 (width in px) x 230 (height in px) and image size=970 (width in px) x 230 (height in px)
See: ... ideshow116

Kind regards,

Re: Floom SlideShow bug or settings

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 13:08
by tina
hello i have done the steps written in the url exactly
but there is an error while creating the thumbnails
and that is the error message : Error Message: The GD function ImageCreateFromJPEG doesn't work on your server
any help plz ? :(

Re: Floom SlideShow bug or settings

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 14:48
by Benno
you need to contact your hosting company. GD library is part of PHP and must run on your server, if you want to use Phoca Gallery.
see: Requirements
Without GD library Phoca Gallery is not able to create thumbnails.

Kind regards,Benno