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Button Plugin and "Method Not Implemented POST" error

Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 02:59
by rickyherbal
Hi, sorry for my english is veri bad, i hope you understand my question.

I have installed last version of components and joomla.

So.. I have installed phoca download+phoca download plugin+button plugin for editor, but when i try to use phoca download button in editor for insert link in a article got me this error

Method Not Implemented POST to /administrator/index.php not supported.

Searching a solution I have read in the forum this thread

so i have inverted the order of code

{phocadownload view=file|id=1|target=s} -----> {phocadownload id=1|view=file|target=s}

and work ! no error ^^

Can you explain me how edit and custom the button plugin for invert the order of id code ? Where is the php file ?

Re: Button Plugin and "Method Not Implemented POST" error

Posted: 27 Aug 2012, 21:27
by Jan
Hi, the code is independent to the ordering of parameters, checking both of them without any error, check if there were no spaces, etc. :idea:
