Display control for categories

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Display control for categories

Post by goldorak »

Hi everybody

i searched a bit for my problem but did not find exatly what i need.

I have a Main category called Bills and several Subcategories inside named after the customer.
Now when a customer logs into the side, he sees all other subcategories inside the bill main category.
he only is able to log in his own category (which is handeled by the rights of course) but he is able to see all the subcategories he is not allowed to log in.

Is there a solution where i can handle the subcategories only to be displayed if the user is allowed to log in?

Hope someone can help me out there...

Yours Andrew
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Re: Display control for categories

Post by Jan »

Hi, you can set e.g. access rights for the subcategories, so no other users can see such subcategories.

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