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The Section Menu Module for Joomla 2.5

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 14:20
by jbomb
Is this module supposed to work for Joomla 2.5 ?

I installed it and it doesn't show up. I can't tell how it works and I don't see the demo on this site. anyone??

Re: The Section Menu Module for Joomla 2.5

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 19:35
by Benno
Is this module supposed to work for Joomla 2.5 ?
No, because joomla! v2.5 does not use Sections anymore.
Phoca Section Menu Module was made for joomla! v1.5

Kind regards,

Re: The Section Menu Module for Joomla 2.5

Posted: 07 Sep 2012, 20:03
by jbomb
Is there anything I can use then? anything to help with navigation. the Tree is limited.

Re: The Section Menu Module for Joomla 2.5

Posted: 08 Sep 2012, 12:03
by Benno
no, until now, only the Phoca Download Tree Module is available for Joomla! v2.5

Kind regards,