Allowing download for registered users from the FRONTEND
Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 13:47
From the backend, I can add some files that are displayed for non registered but not accessible for downloading.
It needs to put the file as not public but registered and then check the option "unaccessible_file" to yes so it displays the file.
But from the front end i cannot :
- choose the access right (so it's by default public)
- choose to display the unaccessible files
Unfortunately, I will have many users who do not have access to backend but use the front end and i need for ALL the files to allow the display but to only allow the download to registered users.
I have try to modify the "upload files front end page" to give me the possibility to add these two fields that exist in the backend in the frontend but it's too hard for my limited knowledge.
Could you tell me how to add these options in the front end page
Could you tell me how by default all the files are for registered users and displayed for non registered ?
Thanks for your great support.
It needs to put the file as not public but registered and then check the option "unaccessible_file" to yes so it displays the file.
But from the front end i cannot :
- choose the access right (so it's by default public)
- choose to display the unaccessible files
Unfortunately, I will have many users who do not have access to backend but use the front end and i need for ALL the files to allow the display but to only allow the download to registered users.
I have try to modify the "upload files front end page" to give me the possibility to add these two fields that exist in the backend in the frontend but it's too hard for my limited knowledge.
Could you tell me how to add these options in the front end page
Could you tell me how by default all the files are for registered users and displayed for non registered ?
Thanks for your great support.