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Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 13 Sep 2012, 16:33
by eao
hi there, first of all, thanx for that great extension. and second straight to my problem: i have phoca download component 2.1.6 installed on an Joomla 1.7.3 system. Backend of Phoca is working fine. Userupload is working fine for mostly all users. after some testing i stumbled over a upload problem with a already proven user account, file and category while connected over an adsl-connection. some other users also reported problems over other connection types. after a long time which has nothing to do with timeouts or upload-limits the browser gets a ''file not found message'. i tried with some cable- and mobile-connections and all was fine.
Maybe someone has any idea where i might look for or how to explain this situation. or maybe someone has a totally different idea how to cope with this.
open and gratefull for all ideas!
Re: Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 13:45
by eao
ok, some additions to make myself clearer...
When doing uploads over some internet-connection-types (i.e. adsl) the upload process stalls. The loading graphic isnt animated but stands still, the page does some loading and after a long time i get a 500 - Internal server error and the visible url in the adressbar is the frontenend-upload URL from Phocadownload with the form-param ?task=upload?653baee47534.......
This is definitely no timeout or max-filesize problem!
Someone any hints for me? I'm really stuck here.
Re: Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 23:21
by Jan
Hmmm, maybe this is some server settings problem, did you look at the error log to see what error you did where 500 was displayed? Maybe there are some limits in the server settings

Re: Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 10:16
by eao
Hello Jan,
this seems to be a veeeeery long timeout from providerside since there is a 'connection interupted' message after about 20min. i dont think it's a server setting problem because when i directly change to another i-connection (i.e cable-modem or even mobile) and restart the upload-process everything is fine and the file is uploaded in a few minutes or even faster.
how does the upoad function work? maybe there is some kind of permanent response which isnt allowed from provider-side? i'm totally baffled since my adsl-connection normally works quite fine and there is no other problem with it. i cant see a reason why this shouldnt work. Since other users spread over town have simmilar problems there must be reasonable fault here.
there is no clientside-error, no webserver-side-error and no joomla-error logged...
Re: Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 12:52
by eao
hello again, Jan!
i am still fighting with this problem. is there some ip-based function in the upload process. maybe the problem has to to with some kind of proxy- or gateway-configuration, an affinity to client adress or is there any kind of feedback (progress) during upload...
maybe you have an idea as the developer of this great tool.
Re: Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 15:37
by Jan
Hi, it is standard html/server/php upload function - there is no specific upload function in this case

and I don't know any other upload method

Re: Frontend Uploads not working for some users
Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 07:36
by eao
Glad and not to hear that
Thanks for replies, i will check the whole server config again without a clue...hope i will find sonething