Uploading and renaming via FTP and have PD catch the change

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Uploading and renaming via FTP and have PD catch the change

Post by roandr »

Sorry for the bad subject. Not sure how to put it. Nevertheless:

If I upload a file via FTP I want Phoca download to automatically add that file to a specified category. If I edit the filename (via FTP) I want Phoca download to catch that change automatically as well. Is this possible?

As of now I have to manually do all this from the backend and for every file. Doing the changes on the file directly (FTP, SSH, etc.) and having Phoca Download do the rest would, for me, be an awesome feature.

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Re: Uploading and renaming via FTP and have PD catch the cha

Post by Jan »

Hi, all files needs to be added to system (to database with all its items) - you can do it easy with multiple add function but for automatically changing it, I think, you need to run some cron job on your server which will test for changed file names and will then correct the database, etc. :idea:

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