Facebook Comments Module
Posted: 20 Oct 2012, 19:04
Good Evening All,
I am a total newby to Phoca and not exactly the sharpest knife in the box where JOOMLA is concerned but I do struggle along. I am trying to setup the facebook comments into my site but even after careful study of the instructions in your document for getting the Facebook settings I am seriously struggling. I cannot get to the developers.facebook.com/setup/ area. Help.
Pat Thompson aka crissake
I am a total newby to Phoca and not exactly the sharpest knife in the box where JOOMLA is concerned but I do struggle along. I am trying to setup the facebook comments into my site but even after careful study of the instructions in your document for getting the Facebook settings I am seriously struggling. I cannot get to the developers.facebook.com/setup/ area. Help.
Pat Thompson aka crissake