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more than one column in layout

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 14:35
by ice
This is what I have as download layout (some PDFs in some categories):


This is what I want:


more than one column... haven't found anything in "options" and "layout" so it's a CSS edit I assume? :( where should i look?

tnx in advance

info: Joomla 2.5, Phoca download 2.1.7, not an expert in CSS

Re: more than one column in layout

Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 19:30
by Jan
Hi, I think you need to have some skills in CSS, as this can be done per css - to add float boxes, try to see: CSS of this site.


Re: more than one column in layout

Posted: 09 Nov 2012, 20:36
by ice
That's it! the way you have arranged 4 Phoca Templates 2*2 ! How can I do that?! :-) so it's possible , Yuuupyyy!!!

Re: more than one column in layout

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 16:31
by Jan
Hi, just see the CSS of the site (phoca download CSS - or copy it completely from the site)
