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Not linking files properly if CACHE is on

Posted: 10 Nov 2012, 09:07
by shuhu
Hi, I love your extension, and I thank you for it, but I have an issue...

I have been breaking my head for the past days because for some weird reason when I have Cache ON, every file on the Phoca Download Component does not start to download, it just keeps returning me to the "file or category view" instead but the download never starts. Funny though that I have few links of these files placed within modules and Articles with your Phoca Download Plugin and they ALL worked perfectly fine FROM the plugin view, but when accesing them through the Component via menu, no download seems to work :x not from direct download, or file view, modal, overlib, etc etc, i have literally tested every option available on your component.

I even checked to see if the file links were different, but it was the exact same file link from the Plugin view and from the Component View :idea:

I first thought it was due to sh404Sef or Joomla SEF options, but even after disabling these, and testing it on another site without sh404Sef installed, it made no changes.

The only way it works is if I disable Cache from the Phoca Download Component :( any idea why this is happening??? and is there something I could do to enable cache for your extension?

I also tried another Download extension and this one worked perfectly fine even with cache enabled, only problem is Phoca Download fits better for my site needs :shock: so I would love to make it work WITH cache on.

Hope you can help me out :)

Re: Not linking files properly if CACHE is on

Posted: 17 Nov 2012, 16:30
by Jan
Hi, maybe other extension does not use standard joomla cache features. Try to disable the cache in Phoca Download extension and let me know.
