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Enable Icon Selection in Front End
Posted: 18 Nov 2012, 02:38
by duval
I see that when editing or adding a file from the back end one can select an icon to be associated with the file.... how do I enable that on the front end?
Re: Enable Icon Selection in Front End
Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 21:08
by Jan
Hi, just set the icon and it will be displayed (it is displayed as default)
Re: Enable Icon Selection in Front End
Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 21:57
by duval
Thank you for your reply! I'm not referring to the default icon but a specific icon that, in my case, is related to file type. As it is now I can go into the back end and associate my pdf.jpg icon with pdf files, doc.jpg with Word doc's, etc but that function doesn't seem to exist on the front end.
Perhaps there's been something posted whereby the file type could automatically be associated with a specific icon?
Thanks again for your help!
Re: Enable Icon Selection in Front End
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 20:55
by Jan
Hi, this feature is planned.