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Local->Online: menu link type List Of Categories disappeared

Posted: 22 Nov 2012, 21:45
by toufab
Hello everybody,

I have some troubles with PhocaDownload component.
I have just migrated my website from my local environment to online and when I go on my phocadowload menu link from the front-end, I get this error : 500 - Layout "default" not found. I checked in the Phocadownload backend and noticed that the menu link type "List Of Categories (Categories View)" had disappeared, like this.

Online :

Local :

I use Joomsef and I know that there are some compatibility issues but it works on my local environment..

Does someone have an idea?

Thanks !

Re: Local->Online: menu link type List Of Categories disappe

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 21:39
by toufab
Solved !! :)

I transfered my online database into my local one. The local one was still working...
Then I checked different folders in the frontend part that could be related to my problem (com_menus, com_sef,.) and I don't know why (maybe during the FTP transfer but seems strange since it was successful), but there were some file in /component/com_phocadownload/ on my online site different from my local one ! I finally transfere these local files to my website online and everything was OK !

Hope it could help someone ;)

Re: Local->Online: menu link type List Of Categories disappe

Posted: 25 Nov 2012, 21:56
by Jan