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Problem with Details button
Posted: 26 Nov 2012, 23:48
by szablac
I set 'Display Detail Button' option to 'Yes (overlib)' value, but the details of the files don't appear when I move mouse over the button. In the error console I can see the following message:
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
return overlib('<div style=''text-align:left...
I think there are two apostrophes before "text", instead of qoutation mark.
It is the same both in Firefox16.0.2 and in IE9.
I use Phoca Download v2.1.8 and Joomla!v2.5.8.
Could you help, please?
Re: Problem with Details button
Posted: 27 Nov 2012, 19:04
by Jan
Hmmm testing now without any such problem, can you let me know the text of description which can do the problems?
Re: Problem with Details button
Posted: 27 Nov 2012, 23:24
by szablac
This is the generated html-code of the Details button:
Code: Select all
<a href="#" onmouseout="return nd();" onmouseover="return overlib('<div style=''text-align:left;padding:5px''><div class=''pd-title''>Phoca Download 1.1.0 magyar nyelvi fájl (magázó)</div><div class=''pd-filesize-txt''>File Size:</div><div class=''pd-fl-m''>5.77 kB</div><div class=''pd-version-txt''>Version:</div><div class=''pd-fl-m''>1.1.0</div><div class=''pd-author-txt''>Author:</div><div class=''pd-fl-m''>Szabó László</div><div class=''pd-date-txt''>Date:</div><div class=''pd-fl-m''>02 April 2009</div></div>', CAPTION, 'Details', BELOW, RIGHT, CSSCLASS, TEXTFONTCLASS, 'fontPhocaPDClass', FGCLASS, 'fgPhocaPDClass', BGCLASS, 'bgPhocaPDClass', CAPTIONFONTCLASS,'capfontPhocaPDClass', CLOSEFONTCLASS, 'capfontclosePhocaPDClass', STICKY, MOUSEOFF, CLOSETEXT, 'Close');">Details</a>
And the entire error message:
Code: Select all
Timestamp: 2012.11.27. 22:13:31
Error: SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
Source: http://localhost/saxum25/index.php/downloads/category/1-phoca#
Line: 1, Column: 28
return overlib('<div style=''text-align:left;padding:5px''><div class=''pd-title''>Phoca
Re: Problem with Details button
Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 21:14
by Jan
Hmm, this seems like something changes the output and removes the backslashes or changes " to ' '
Testing here:
and see it correct there:
Code: Select all
<div class="pd-button-download"><a href="/joomlademo/phoca-download/category/2-phoca-download?download=5:image-test">Download</a></div></div><div class="pd-buttons"><div class="pd-button-details"><a onmouseover="return overlib('<div style=\'text-align:left;padding:5px\'><div class=\'pd-title\'>Image Test</div><div class=\'pd-filesize-txt\'>File Size:</div><div class=\'pd-fl-m\'>236 B</div><div class=\'pd-date-txt\'>Date:</div><div class=\'pd-fl-m\'>04 December 2010</div></div>', CAPTION, 'Details', BELOW, RIGHT, CSSCLASS, TEXTFONTCLASS, 'fontPhocaPDClass', FGCLASS, 'fgPhocaPDClass', BGCLASS, 'bgPhocaPDClass', CAPTIONFONTCLASS,'capfontPhocaPDClass', CLOSEFONTCLASS, 'capfontclosePhocaPDClass', STICKY, MOUSEOFF, CLOSETEXT, 'Close');" onmouseout="return nd();" href="#">
Re: Problem with Details button
Posted: 10 Dec 2012, 01:52
by szablac
Jan wrote:Hmm, this seems like something changes the output and removes the backslashes
Yes, finally I got it.
I tried to debug your code, and realized that something was wrong with the "addslashes" php-function. I searched on the net and I found this in connection with addslashes:
If magic_quotes_sybase is on, a single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash
So I switched off this option in my php.ini, and everything works well now. (This was the default value of this option, I didn't even know if it existed.)
Thank you for your time and answers.
Re: Problem with Details button
Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 13:07
by Jan