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Security issue with URL

Posted: 29 Nov 2012, 08:19
by chrisluke1221
:D Hi guys,

i am a new user for phoca download and i installed phoca dowlonad components and plugins, and i encounter a problem when i planned to only allow registered user to view and download the files . the problem is that a registered user can view and download the file (pdf), a new window opens up and displays the document. however, when i copy url for this new window to different browser and the document is still accessible (which should not be accessed since i restrict access to unregistered user to view and download the file).
for instance:
xxx/directory/document.pdf if unregistered user copies and pastes this url , the document should not accessible.

is there any way to resolve this problem?

thanks so much.

Re: Security issue with URL

Posted: 08 Dec 2012, 21:32
by Jan
Hi, you can protect direct path to your documents by e.g. htaccess rules or similar tools or you can move your documents behind public_html to your folder - then they cannot be accessed by direct path.