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Error trying to install falang extension

Posted: 23 Dec 2012, 19:46
by marioliveira
I downloaded the Falang extension referring to phoca Download, to be able to translate categories, subcategories and hopefully the license agreement text. But cannopt install it. I get always an error about Joomla installer being unable to find the xml installation file, although it's thjere. I tried unpacking and installing from the directory at tmp root directory, same error, being unable to fiund xml file on that directory. I iunstalled already lots of components and other extensions in the site, and never before got that error. I need you help to solve this, for which I thank you a lot!

Re: Error trying to install falang extension

Posted: 25 Dec 2012, 21:51
by Jan
Hi, maybe it should be installed in Falang extensions, not in standard Joomla! installation manager :idea (only idea, no experiences)


Re: Error trying to install falang extension

Posted: 26 Dec 2012, 02:17
by marioliveira
Hi Jan.It was exactly that, I had not realized I would have to install it under Falang component. Thanks