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Change Meta Pagetitles Remove "Downloads"

Posted: 27 Dec 2012, 01:23
by eMOTIVe

Right now my page title shows up like this

Downloads - File Name - Site Name

I would like it to be like this:

File Name - Site Name

How can change this? I can't find a setting or anything in the code to motify.

Thanks in advance

Re: Change Meta Pagetitles Remove "Downloads"

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 15:31
by Jan
Hi, I think, this needs to be directly customized in the code:
components/com_phocagallery/views/categories/tmpl/ ...
components/com_phocagallery/views/category/tmpl/ ...


Re: Change Meta Pagetitles Remove "Downloads"

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 06:24
by eMOTIVe
Thanks for your Response Jan. I first looked there but it's not set there.

It's something across the entire component. Your Download and Gallery components both do this. I've searched all the files but nothing is sticking out that might be setting this. I do know several of my other components set the page name first, then component name, then site title. I feel that's better SEO.

Thanks for your help in this.

Re: Change Meta Pagetitles Remove "Downloads"

Posted: 29 Dec 2012, 15:39
by Jan
Hi, the settings of this was made by joomla core components but it is possible that something was changed there - so try to see the core files. :idea:
