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Download tree module - category color?

Posted: 27 Dec 2012, 16:15
by dav_ide
I need to have two different main zone where users can download their document. I have tried to set two download tree modules but, if I remember well, is not possible.
I have set then a category separator creating a "blank category" like in the attached image.
I would like to set an unique color of this category to better define the delimitation. Is this possible, and eventually how?
many thanks in advance,

Re: Download tree module - category color?

Posted: 28 Dec 2012, 15:19
by Jan
Hi, such needs to be customized (directly in the module css or your template css), try to mark this part and see the html code of this part (to see which class it is - then just stylize this class in the css template file.
