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Frontend Uploading Problem - No more disk space

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 10:54
by desertbabe
Hello again:

I have just spent the last hour discussing this problem with siteground (our host) but can't resolve the problem.
here it is:

I was uploading photos on the frontend (Main Menu>PhotoGallery>CategoryName>SubCategoryName) and tried to upload photos, but after a few were successful, I got "There is no more disk space for uploading and adding an image into your gallery" error message.

I checked the Phoco Gallery configuration (components>phoca gallery>parameters) and changed the Maximum Category Disc Space (in bytes-front end upload) to 999999999999 and tried to upload from the front again - but got the same message.

I checked my CPanel and I have loads of disc space on the server.

Siteground was able to frontend upload a couple of test photos, but when I tried I got the same error again. I cleared by temp files, cleared my cache but no joy.

This was sitegrounds response:
I uploaded another image and again it was uploaded successfully. Note that if you are trying to upload these images in a single batch, the value of the upload_max_filesize variable in the server's configuration will be exceeded and a problem like this might occur. However, if you are uploading the images one by one, then I recommend you to contact a developer which is familiar with the source code of the Gallery component and its specific bugs / flaws and possesses the required programming skills to provide you with further assistance.

I am only uploading single files between 1499 and 2379kb. I had uploaded 9 photos (in that folder) successfully. When I tried to upload the 10th pic.

Jan - you're the man - any ideas. :x

Re: Frontend Uploading Problem - No more disk space

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 10:58
by desertbabe
Just an additional note on this - I can upload from the admin/back end with no problems. :idea:

Re: Frontend Uploading Problem - No more disk space

Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 21:29
by Jan
Did you change the parameters in Parameter Component ?

EDIT: ... -in-joomla


Re: Frontend Uploading Problem - No more disk space

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 08:02
by desertbabe
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had changed the Component Parameters, but I missed the Menu Parameters. I just fixed that and it works like a charm.

You're the best!! :twisted:

Re: Frontend Uploading Problem - No more disk space

Posted: 03 Nov 2008, 14:06
by Jan
Great to hear it, Jan

Re: Frontend Uploading Problem - No more disk space

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 13:44
by Jan