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View Category Layout on using larger Images

Posted: 03 Jan 2013, 18:19
by Trubadix
If larger imgeages then 16x16 are used, an overlapping is the result.
To resolv, are some changes on components/com_pohcadownload/assets/phocadownload.css near line 279 must be done.
In my case I using images like 50x50 and the changes you see downstairs is working.

In your case it's a question of your images size, play with padding-left and height.
Best result for padding-left and height is image-height + 8 px :twisted:

Code: Select all

/* icon next to file*/
.phoca-dl-file-box-mod .pd-document16,
#phoca-dl-file-box .pd-document16,
#phoca-dl-category-box .pd-document16{
	padding-left:	55px;
	background: 	url('images/icon-document-16.png') 0px center no-repeat;
	height:			55px;
    line-height:	16px;

Re: View Category Layout on using larger Images

Posted: 04 Jan 2013, 16:15
by Jan
Hi, thank you for the info.
