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Won't download in FF or IE

Posted: 07 Jan 2013, 21:40
by olaeblue
Hi, Phoca download has worked fine for me for months, but having not used it for a month or 2 I tried to download a file.

In both Firefox (17.0.1) and IE (9) if I click the download button it just goes back to category view. But in Chrome it downloads the file no problems.
Can provide a URL (and log in) if required to help fix

Please don't just say use chrome, I know it's better but many people use FF & IE so I need it to work for all 3 :-) :D

Re: Won't download in FF or IE

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 17:59
by Jan
Hi, it is really hard to give some advice there, because if it was working and now it works in some browser this means, the server with the software on it should be OK, do you get this problem with the browser on other PC. Maybe some of your plugin in PC changed the behaviour for FF and IE :idea:
