Cannot upload files anymore

Phoca Download - download manager
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Cannot upload files anymore

Post by gidge »


We had phoca download installed a while ago and it was working fine for quite a while, however, all of a sudden we cannot upload files. It simply says it failed. No other errors. We can still upload through FTP, however, there are too many people needing to access the site for me to be happy to give them unrestricted FTP access. Any ideas what could have happened???? :!:
The site is live and has fair amount of traffic going through.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Cannot upload files anymore

Post by JTCrimmel »

Any chance the upload folders found at "*SITEROOT*/phocadownload/userupload" had the file permissions changed? Check to see that both folders are set to 755 via your FTP client.
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Re: Cannot upload files anymore

Post by gidge »

HI, just checked, and they are definitely set to 755.
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Joined: 07 May 2012, 02:30

Re: Cannot upload files anymore

Post by gidge »

We also have issues with installing anything. We can upload things through FTP, but cannot make any changes from joomla end to the folders.
Don't know if that is related or not, but thought that might give you extra info about the problem.
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Joined: 10 Jan 2013, 18:34

Re: Cannot upload files anymore

Post by JTCrimmel »

Some questions....

What Joomla version?
What Phoca Download version.
What Host Company do you use?
You state "We also have issues" do you have multiple people with access to the joomla backend?

Are you able to install components/modules/plugins via the joomla backend? If not, it sounds like you may have an issue with a core joomla file(s) or perhaps a database issue. A few things to try to start out....

Through the joomla control panel in the backend, do a global check-in, clear cache, purge expire cache. (check to see if Phoca is working)

Disable or uninstall and modules/components/plugins you don't use ...if you're unsure, best to just leave it alone. (check to see if Phoca is working)

If your comfortable doing so, optimize your database through your host's phpAdmin area. (check to see if Phoca is working)

Try updating joomla to the lastest version in hopes any damaged core files will be over written. (check to see if Phoca is working)

Other issues that could contribute might be the php.ini file on your server which also has some controls over uploading files through the site. Check your php.ini file for any conflicts that would keep you from being able to upload. If your not familiar with that and your host has awesome support like mine, ask them to take a look at the php.ini file for any issues related to uploading.
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