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500 Internal Server Error

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 00:15
by zsGP
I have installed Phoca Download and can access the component with no problems and I can change settings etc.
However when I click 'New' to upload new files, I get a 500 Internal Server Error.

Please help ASAP.

Re: 500 Internal Server Error

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 00:32
by Jan
Hi, try to enable php error reporting to see which error you get on your server: ... rs-on-site ... ent-errors


Re: 500 Internal Server Error

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 01:17
by zsGP
When I try to enable php error reporting via my .htaccess file, it crashes my website completely (gives me 500 internal server error on every page including front end of website).

Re: 500 Internal Server Error

Posted: 20 Jan 2013, 18:36
by Jan
Hi, I think, then you need to contant your webhosting operator as the first what needs to be done, is to detect the error - enabling php error reporting should provide some information about the error in error message but if you get 500 without any error message then this seems like some problem on the hosting :-(
