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download not listing files in admin but display front end

Posted: 29 Jan 2013, 02:03
by chilternpc
we ave been using phoca download for a couple of years
we recently upgraded Joomla from 1.65 to 2.5x and have the the latest download.
we also installed akeeba admin tools and security due to a hack (also the reason for upgrading Joomla)
anyways, the admin staff have told me they can upload documents ok and they appear in the pages on the frontend ok
but in the control panel in the admin area when you click 'Files' it shows nothing.
if you click new and upload a new file - nothing gets displayed even though the file has been uploaded (I use FTP to check)
and also it appears in the lists on the front end in the right category.

can anyone help get file list back?


Re: download not listing files in admin but display front e

Posted: 30 Jan 2013, 21:45
by Jan
Hi, try to enable debug mode in Joomla! and php error reporting, maybe you get some error message which says more :idea: ... rs-on-site