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category page : french and more beautiful

Posted: 10 Feb 2013, 10:59
by grosloulou
i am new in joomla so i experiment lot of tools which explains why my site :
is very messy currently.
i am evaluating phca download and it works fine but i'd like to know how to make it a little more beautiful.

I have downloaded the french pack and uploaded in fr_FR but one of these wanted to overwrite a different version attached to phoca gallery so i have cancelled copy of this second file.

let's start with category page.

I have some big buttons "datasheets",... with 0/1 and No subcategories.

0/1 : i understand 1 is "contains one file" and "0" means no subcategories. correct ?
Can't we change/remove these infos ?

No subcategories : in french it is "Aucune sous-catégorie" !!!
how can we change this text ?

most frequently downloaded files :
in french it is : "Fichiers téléchargés le plus fréquemment". again a mix of french and english !

i don't see the description of the category in the button
how can we add it ?

in other component, there is a possibility to add a big icon on left with title and description right aligned on this icon. can we do that ?

I have the feeling that
number of files
number of categories

would be perhaps a little better

Do you have example of sites with phoca download to see idea of templates ?

best regards

Re: category page : french and more beautiful

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 00:31
by Jan
Hi, see: ... load-theme

- you can add large icon next to filename
- phoca download example: ... a-download

to change the translation see: ... -in-joomla (to see where the language strings are located to change them)
