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Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 14 Feb 2013, 22:29
by rherder
I have the following problem (Joomla 2.5.9 - PD 2.1.8)

I searched in the forum but still can"t find it.

When making 1 parent-cat en 2 categories in this parent-cat. The (sub)categories has different users for downloading.
My intention: each user may not see other (sub)categories but just his own in the parent-cat.
When making a menu-item for the parent-cat -> result is -> view of parent-cat with all subcategories although one get the message when clicking at this category-name that you are not authorised (which is correct). His own category allows seeing/downloading the files (which is correct).

But I will not allow users see those categories from which they are not allowed to download!!

I just don't manage to get this right without making all kind of different menu-items.
Please help.
Thanks a lot!!!

Best regards

Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 16:06
by cesaretiba
Hi, I've the same problem.

I'm trying to set up a website where each user can download specific files.
I thought to have a main category "users files" and a single category for each user, so I could link the menu to a spcific category ("users files", while the menu item would be "user files").
What happend is that each user can see all the other categories, even if they can only get inside of their own.
In the menu settings i've selected list of categories.
Is there a way to hide the category a user cannot access?

I've tried also the way to have all files uploaded in the same category "Files" (open to all registered users) and set up the "Display Inaccessible file" parameter to NO and, obviously, set up the access property for each file to the user (joomla user) I want to see the specific files, but seems not working correctly.
When I log in I can see alle the files and can download all of them.
In the menu settings i've selected list of files.

Thank you,

Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 16:40
by cesaretiba
Forgot to say:
phoca download version 2.1.8
joomla version 2.5.8
php 5.2.9

Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 15 Feb 2013, 17:06
by cesaretiba
Don't really know how, but now seems to be working!

Now i've linked in the menu the List Of Categories (Categories View). Access is to registered.

I've made 3 categories:
- All files (access: registered - access rights: all registered users)
- All files > user 1 (access: user1- access rights: user1)
- All files > user 2 (access: user2- access rights: user2)

i've uploaded 2 files.
- file one (category: user1 - access: user1 - display inaccessible file: no)
- file two (category: user2 - access: user2 - display inaccessible file: no)

Now entering as user1 I can see only directory of user1 while entering as user2 I can see only directory of user2.

I've also changed some values in Phoca Download Control panel > Options > Display. But don't really remember wich ones.
If you can't get it work I'll be submit all my settings.

Thank you for this job!

Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 25 Feb 2013, 22:59
by marie79

Many thanks for your post, very helpfull!
I have one question.
Do you know how to change the name of the directory of upload for example to put it as user1 instead of a code such as 24c9e15e52?

Thank you for your help!

Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 19:23
by Jan
Hi, see similar posts for this question, it was answered and solved here in this forum (with guide)


Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 16:56
by chuede
i have a simmilar Problem.
i want some categories (inclusice subcategories) beeing only visible a special usergroup,
but whatever i do, it is always visible for everyone.
i tried to find "simmilar posts" with a guide, but couldnt find anyting regarding "hide categories".

Re: Hide Category for other registered user

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 00:11
by Jan
Hi, then just set the access for this category only for selecte groups :idea:
