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play button

Posted: 01 Mar 2013, 18:12
by eumel1602

I´m using Joomla! 2.5.9 and phoca Download 2.1.8.
In spite of setting the option to use a play button in uploaded videos, it doesn´t work. There is no play button. Why?
In the frontend area of my homepage it is possible to download the video but no way to play it there.
In theory I think, a media player is missing in J!? But for phoca there is no speciell player available.

Need some help! Some ideas?

Best regards!

Re: play button

Posted: 01 Mar 2013, 23:45
by Jan
Hi, did you set some playable file in file edit? Did you eanble the displaying of Play button in Options?

Re: play button

Posted: 04 Mar 2013, 15:39
by eumel1602
Hi Jan!

Thanks for answering.

1. Please find attached a screen shot of the file edit. look->
Which option I must select or which setting I have to use? This time, I uploaded the file again in "play file", without success.

2. In the main options the play button is enabled.

Re: play button

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 01:06
by Jan
Hi, the flow player can play: mp3, mp4, flv only :-(


Re: play button

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 18:24
by eumel1602
Hi Jan!

Thanks for your continiuative help! Exactly this was the problem. I didn´t notice the file type correct to a dot. Now it´s working! Thanks again!

Another question. In this case, when I offer/display a file for download or playback (play button), I must upload the file two times? Firstly in the phocadownload folder and secondly in the phocadownloadpap folder???