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[Solved] Delete file from Phoca download folders

Posted: 04 Mar 2013, 16:17
by emme87

I've to change the download files on a website that it was created with joomla 1.0 and it use Phoca Download (v. 1.1.0).
I go (from "my" website: to "Components" -> "Phoca Download" -> "Files", I click on the file that I want change, I try to change the file introducing a new file, it opens a windows where there are folders, can I delete file from those folders??????????

Thanks in advance!!!!

Re: Delete file from Phoca download folders

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 00:59
by Jan
Hi, files on your server you can delete by FTP, or file manager.


[SOLVED]Re: Delete file from Phoca download folders

Posted: 11 Mar 2013, 13:13
by emme87
Thanks a lot!!! I've used FireZilla!!!