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No content when click "Download"

Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 01:16
by scelestia
I've poured over the documentation and forums in search of a solution to this, and maybe I missed it since it seems like a simple problem. But here is my issue.
  • Phoca Download Component 2.1.8
    Download Plugin 2.1.6
    Joomla 2.5.9
I created a category within Phoca Download, uploaded about ten files of various types (PDFs, PPSs, PDFs, etc), and created an article with the plugin code phocadownload view=filelist|id=6|limit=10 (with brackets, of course) at the end. Everything displays correctly; however, when I click on the links created by the file list, I am taken to a content-less page. It isn't blank, there is just no content. I got suspicious and put in a link to the category, which displays all the files fine, as well. But when I click on the "Download" button, the same thing happens: I am directed to a content-less page. So I know there is a problem with the direct downloading, but I have no idea what. :x

This is an image of the list the plugin creates:

And what happens when I click on one of the links:

Any assistance you can provide would be a lifesaver!

Re: No content when click "Download"

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 13:22
by Jan
Hi, try to enable php error reporting and debug mode, maybe you will get more information there ... if you change the parameters e.g. to direclty download, do you get the same problem?

Re: No content when click "Download"

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 16:31
by scelestia
Error reporting is switched on. I have switched to direct download on some of the files to test, but it didn't make a difference.

Re: No content when click "Download"

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 14:16
by Jan
Really no idea what can be wrong there? Try to disable SEF (if enabled) :idea: to test if this will work without SEF enabled.


Re: No content when click "Download"

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 16:46
by scelestia
Jan wrote:Really no idea what can be wrong there? Try to disable SEF (if enabled) :idea: to test if this will work without SEF enabled.

I turned SEF off and it now seems to work. I'm sorry my links have to be ugly for Phoca to work, but Phoca working is more important. Is there any utility that allows Phoca and SEF to work together?

Re: No content when click "Download"

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 19:48
by Jan
Hi, Phoca works with SEF: ... ry/4-media

but on your site, maybe there is something work in configuration (server ???, joomla! ???, SEF ???) Phoca Download does not create any url, it is created by Joomla! Jroute methods, so it has no influence on how the links will look or how they will work :idea:
