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Options in v3 beta

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 10:41
by Ewoud
Hi there,

I just started testing the v3.0.0 beta. Is it correct that there is no Options tab available?

For example, I am missing the icons and tags I have added in the backend, when the download page is opened.I cannot seem to find where to activate it.

Also, is it possible that when you hover the Details button that you can click it and go to the details page? Or at least, when you stop hovering the Details button, the popup will disappear again?

I am using the Category View at the moment.



Re: Options in v3 beta

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 10:57
by Ewoud
Sorry, but I already found the problem of the missing icons. I changed the name of the image :oops:

But I am still interested in the other questions :)

Re: Options in v3 beta

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 14:55
by Ewoud
Options were right in front of me :oops:

One last question. When ratings are enabled I see in the frontend that only registered users can vote. Can that be changed to Public?

Re: Options in v3 beta

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 23:22
by gray
Go to Options, General tab, and set "Access Level - Registered Users" to Guest.
PS. It enables the rating, not sure how it influences other features. Please check by yourself!

Re: Options in v3 beta

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 11:12
by Ewoud
gray wrote:Go to Options, General tab, and set "Access Level - Registered Users" to Guest.
PS. It enables the rating, not sure how it influences other features. Please check by yourself!
That works. Thanks for that.

I haven't test other features yet. In my first opinion without knowing all ins and outs yet of this component, it is better to be able to set rights on individual features like rating. Adding Guests to the Acces Level on the General tab makes them regarded as registered group. Allthough registering cannot be done (yet) on my website, I can imagine it causes problems to people who have registration enabled on their website.

Thanks again for your help.