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How to translate categories and linking to all language file

Posted: 05 Apr 2013, 18:38
by sipitt
Hi all.
I'm new to this forum. Nice to meet you :)
I try to find in the phoca site and in the forum the answer to my problem, but without results.

I'm using phocadownload 2.1.8 version in Joomla! 2.5 version and my problem is connect with translation.
I would like to know how to translate "only" the name of categories and then linking them to "all language files", that is without copying each file and assign it a specific language. My file are technical and so they don't need a translated version.
Is there a specific plugin or module to do this?
Could you please help me?

Thank you



Re: How to translate categories and linking to all language

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 00:42
by Jan
Hi, standard Joomla! multilanguage feature worsk the way, that you will set every single file for all langauges. If you don't need to translate the files, just set "All" for language value, to display in every language.
