[solved] category numbers show (9/0) [v3.0 migration]
Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 21:24
categories stat numbers shows as ([correct-number-of-subcats]/0)
in working version it showed the (number of subcats/total number of files in all those categories), (9/170) for example .
is this problem from the migration? is there someway to force it to recognize the total number of files?
I know it is this bit involved:
thanks for any help!
in working version it showed the (number of subcats/total number of files in all those categories), (9/170) for example .
is this problem from the migration? is there someway to force it to recognize the total number of files?
I know it is this bit involved:
Code: Select all
if ($this->t['displaynumdocsecs'] == 1) {
$catOutput .=' <small>('.$valueCat->numdoc .')</small>';
$catOutput .= '</div>' . "\n";
$numDoc = (int)$valueCat->numdoc + (int)$numDoc;