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Open .pdf in a new window
Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 14:26
by martinezfdezjl
Sorry if the question is in the forum yet, but i dont see.
Someone can know yet that i try to construct a biblo page with phoca download. The documents are .pdf that have more than 3MB usually, and i put this documents in a directory and put a link to them in article of phoca component.
But the download open the pdf in the same window of my portal.. but i need that pdf open in a new window and i dont know how to put this in configuration of phoca article.
its possible to do this?

Re: Open .pdf in a new window
Posted: 25 Apr 2013, 20:06
by Jan
Hi, I think, in such case you need to modify the plugin and set e.g. target="_blank" for the links, etc.
Re: Open .pdf in a new window
Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 10:03
by martinezfdezjl
Jan wrote:Hi, I think, in such case you need to modify the plugin and set e.g. target="_blank" for the links, etc.
But... this action is in .php files, not in options of phoca... really?
Re: Open .pdf in a new window
Posted: 27 Apr 2013, 16:57
by Jan
Hi, I think you need to directly code the php files
Re: Open .pdf in a new window
Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 14:02
by martinezfdezjl
Jan wrote:Hi, I think you need to directly code the php files
Ok, perhaps this can be util for somebody.
I have the pdf in another server, not in joomla directory, and i put in phoca download like external link. To get the pdf in a new window, y modify the file default_files.php (components\com_phocadownload\views\category\tmpl\default_files.php) in line 37:
Original line:
$linkDownloadB = '<a href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadHelperRoute::getFileRoute($v->id,$this->category[0]->id,$v->alias, $this->category[0]->alias, $v->sectionid, 'download').$this->tmpl['limitstarturl']).'" >';
My line:
$linkDownloadB = '<a href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadHelperRoute::getFileRoute($v->id,$this->category[0]->id,$v->alias, $this->category[0]->alias, $v->sectionid, 'download').$this->tmpl['limitstarturl']).'
" target="_blank">';
Re: Open .pdf in a new window
Posted: 07 May 2013, 19:21
by Jan
Hi, thank you for the guide.